Loan Products

Based on the segmentation of clients as Group Clients and Individual Clients, Moris Rasik has tailor-made loan Products to suit to these segments.

Loan Products offered to Group Clients

  1. Loan Biasa
  2. Loan Special

Loan Products offered to Individual Clients:

  1. Loan SME
  2. Loan Productu ba Hadia Uma

The table below summarizes the product characteristics of all the above four loan products:

  For Group Clients For Individual Clients
Parameter Loan Biasa Loan Special Loan SME Loan Hadia Uma
Type of Loan Group Loan Group Loan Individual Loan Individual Loan
Minimum Loan $50 $400 $500 $500
Maximum Loan $5,000 $5,000 $50,000 $2,500
Interest Rate 18.72% p.a 15.60% p.a 15% p.a 15% p.a
Interest Calculation 52 weeks -> Flat 52 weeks -> Flat Monthly -> Flat Monthly -> Flat
Repayment Frequency Two variations:

Weekly, four-weekly

Two variations: Weekly, four-weekly Monthly Monthly
Loan Term 25-50 weeks 50-75 weeks 12 months 12 months
Security Deposit 20% of Loan Outstanding 20% of Loan Outstanding Monthly deposit an amount equal to interest due for that month. Monthly deposit an amount equal to interest due for that month.

We also collect a nominal contribution towards client protection fund. This fund is used to cover the loan amount in case the client who has taken the loan dies (credit life with death benefit).